Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I gotta get me a job

I meant to post this yesterday, but stress got the better of me.
I've just had an interview today with a local music store. This is the 3rd time I've gotten past the first step (dropping of a CV, british for resumee) with a music store. The first was at a large west-end chain where I could barely understand the manager I was interviewing with (to the detriment of my employment prospects). The second was being asked to fill out an application at the Sam Ash of Scotland (which has since purchased the aforementioned west-end chain). No word since, despite a follow-up email from me.
So today was the third. At the guitars-trumpets-pianos-no amplifiers shop a hefty walk from my flat. I spent all of yesterday stressing about it, mostly because I saw it as a step down from the other two shops, as well as my prior employer (that big Guitar Chain in the states). Now I am still stressed because, while the interview went well, I fear I am 1-becoming too much of a capitalist and 2-too high on myself as far as my employability and social worth.
All this ignores the fact that I need a damn job. I have the studio, but we need some more mic stands and a cable snake (loom in British) to be band-ready. And, like it says in the profile, I have more plans for bands than actual bands (Mike Gordon of Phish in an interview talked about being a kid and generating all these complicated plans for clubs, but never actually executing them. I know how he feels). My better half has also been writing quite a bit of music of late, so I'm feeling some pressure/jealousy. But all that aside, I mostly spend my days posting to message boards, chasing down groceries (y'all in the states don't know how good you have it that the grocery store doesn't sell out of things regularly. When our local store runs out of potato waffles, it's like a week before they refill), and making tea. I'm realizing how much better I feel about myself and the world when I have a job. It makes me miss working at Guitar Chain. I always miss the people (some of them), but rarely the actual job. Now, I miss the job.
Why can't someone just give me money to make music all the time? I'm good for it.


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