Don't Stand So Close To Me
[in a divergence from standard operating procedure, very few names are changed in this post]
Okay, so the plan was to sit down at the iBook, think about my current infatuation with the works of Dr. Dre, and write a post about his genius. Instead, as I tend to do quite frequently, I sat down and looked up some of my history, namely my old guitar teacher Jerry. He used to co-own a store called Bethesda Music. He doesn't anymore (sold his share years ago), and thank goodness for that. See, thinking about him, I thought I'd also look up Bethesda Music (they used to have a website, so I thought I'd check to see if they still did). This is what Google had in store for me:
Bethesda, Maryland
... G. Scrivener also ordered Fritts name to be listed on the Maryland sex offender's ...
A Bethesda music store owner will serve 18 months in prison for victimizing ...
Sparing you the further details, my first guitar teacher (who I ditched for Jerry), Mr. Carl Fritts, is a very very bad man. This makes now the third teacher I've had (that I know of) who is a very very bad man. Jim Misenheimer (who I thankfully only had to suffer one semester of Stage Design in high school with, as he mostly taught choir) was one of the others, the third being my old English and DRama teacher, a fan of TOM-foolery, who was known to BOGARt the white powder, but he was never formally charged in any way, so far be it for me to name names on someone who's never been, um, caught. All three of these men were also teachers of the arts (Misenheimer and Number 3 using their positions as directors of plays and musicals to take advantage of young girls' desires to gain significant roles. The performing arts were a big deal at my high school), which makes the whole thing just that much more creepy to me.
Basically, I wanted to take this opportunity to say
I mean, seriously now, this shit just ain't right. In the cases of Carl and Misenheimer, both had their 10-year sentences suspended down to 18 months in prison, which I can't even fathom since in both cases they were only being charged in regards to one out of many many victims (in Misenheimer's case, many parents were unwilling to allow their children to be involved in the case, due to his exalted status in the community. No, seriously, mufukkas was trying to help this sicko out. I even seem to remember something about some parents banding together to try and get a legal defense fund going). Lock these fuckers up and throw away the key I say. Nothing they could do or say justifies them being given any lenience in their sentencing (both did also plead guilty). Release some weed dealers to make room for them if necessary.
I gotta say, the thing with Carl hit me a little harder, just cuz I never had any idea. With the two school teachers, everybody knew about it long beforehand. In fact I was shocked that no one else from Misenheimer's history stepped forward, not to mention that no one lodged similar allegations against Number 3 (well, not that shocked. Would you want to be known as the girl who slept with the teacher for the lead in the show?). I'd always known Misenheimer and Number 3 were sleazeballs. I caught Misenheimer in the act once, and I was friends with people who sold coke to Number 3 (students again). But Carl always seemed on the level, if not a bit childish. I wonder if the other people at Bethesda Music had any idea. I certainly didn't.
Shit, seriously, why y'all gotta go and give us artistic types a bad name like that.
Keep it in your pants, hands to yourself, and stay out the kiddie pool.
So in closing, a big FUCK YOU to Carl Fritts, Jim Misenheimer, and my high school english and drama teacher.
You sick fucks.
Okay, so the plan was to sit down at the iBook, think about my current infatuation with the works of Dr. Dre, and write a post about his genius. Instead, as I tend to do quite frequently, I sat down and looked up some of my history, namely my old guitar teacher Jerry. He used to co-own a store called Bethesda Music. He doesn't anymore (sold his share years ago), and thank goodness for that. See, thinking about him, I thought I'd also look up Bethesda Music (they used to have a website, so I thought I'd check to see if they still did). This is what Google had in store for me:
Bethesda, Maryland
... G. Scrivener also ordered Fritts name to be listed on the Maryland sex offender's ...
A Bethesda music store owner will serve 18 months in prison for victimizing ...
Sparing you the further details, my first guitar teacher (who I ditched for Jerry), Mr. Carl Fritts, is a very very bad man. This makes now the third teacher I've had (that I know of) who is a very very bad man. Jim Misenheimer (who I thankfully only had to suffer one semester of Stage Design in high school with, as he mostly taught choir) was one of the others, the third being my old English and DRama teacher, a fan of TOM-foolery, who was known to BOGARt the white powder, but he was never formally charged in any way, so far be it for me to name names on someone who's never been, um, caught. All three of these men were also teachers of the arts (Misenheimer and Number 3 using their positions as directors of plays and musicals to take advantage of young girls' desires to gain significant roles. The performing arts were a big deal at my high school), which makes the whole thing just that much more creepy to me.
Basically, I wanted to take this opportunity to say
I mean, seriously now, this shit just ain't right. In the cases of Carl and Misenheimer, both had their 10-year sentences suspended down to 18 months in prison, which I can't even fathom since in both cases they were only being charged in regards to one out of many many victims (in Misenheimer's case, many parents were unwilling to allow their children to be involved in the case, due to his exalted status in the community. No, seriously, mufukkas was trying to help this sicko out. I even seem to remember something about some parents banding together to try and get a legal defense fund going). Lock these fuckers up and throw away the key I say. Nothing they could do or say justifies them being given any lenience in their sentencing (both did also plead guilty). Release some weed dealers to make room for them if necessary.
I gotta say, the thing with Carl hit me a little harder, just cuz I never had any idea. With the two school teachers, everybody knew about it long beforehand. In fact I was shocked that no one else from Misenheimer's history stepped forward, not to mention that no one lodged similar allegations against Number 3 (well, not that shocked. Would you want to be known as the girl who slept with the teacher for the lead in the show?). I'd always known Misenheimer and Number 3 were sleazeballs. I caught Misenheimer in the act once, and I was friends with people who sold coke to Number 3 (students again). But Carl always seemed on the level, if not a bit childish. I wonder if the other people at Bethesda Music had any idea. I certainly didn't.
Shit, seriously, why y'all gotta go and give us artistic types a bad name like that.
Keep it in your pants, hands to yourself, and stay out the kiddie pool.
So in closing, a big FUCK YOU to Carl Fritts, Jim Misenheimer, and my high school english and drama teacher.
You sick fucks.
the other people at bethesda music did know. some at least. i knew because a i was a girl in the photos, one who he molested. i spoke at the sentancing and the judge looked right through me. the law doesn't care about sex offenders. it sucks. i can't say fuck you enough to carl.
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