Friday, December 17, 2004

Everybody hates their job, nobody got any sleep

I have a backlog of posts that need final editing to be presented here (namely a rant against Band Aid 20/British pop music, and my tribute to "Ain't nothin' but a G thang", plus an as-yet unwritten tribute to Dimbag Darrell (RIP)), but thanks to popular demand, I've decided to take this breif moment of free time to say:
F*ck you, f*ck you, f*ck you, you're cool, f*ck you, I'm out!
Yep, the time has come for me to escape the bad-music laden world of HMV (Heinous Music Variety?) for the greener pastures of small, family owned, independant, full-range (i.e. pianos, trumpets, guitars) local musical instrument shop Biggars. Got the call Monday night, negotiated Tuesday night (almost getting caught by a coworker), thought about it Wednesday, accepted during my lunch break Thursday, did a large-ish employee purchase Friday morning, came in later for my shift later Friday and told the boss "I have something to tell you that you probably aren't going to want to hear". Thankfully, my contract stipulated that I was only obliged to give 1 day's notice (which said boss forgot in a brief moment of displeasure). Tomorrow is my last day of Britney, Kylie, Natasha F-ing Bedingfield, and all the rest of the pop tartlets that haunt my mind. Starting Monday, I'm one of the good guys again.
Nail in the coffin? Tuesday, before my negotiation session, while at the till at HMV, a woman comes up with the incredible "Songs In The Key Of Life" by Stevie Wonder. In response to my commending her purchase, she admitted that she hadn't even heard of Stevie, and had simply asked another employee to direct her to "that blind guy who played piano".
No more of that, thank you.
Here's to reasonable hours, sundays off, and instruments at my disposal all day long.


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