Monday, March 21, 2005

What A Week

Here I am breaking my own tradition. See, usually I follow up being moderately busy with ignoring this window in to my world. Now, however, I am coming off of the busiest week I can remember and posting to the blog taboot (leave it on press, depress, depress). Let's recap my week (so that inevitably Boofus may think to himself "pssh, Wiggy thinks he's had a busy week, well I've had 4 gigs, a recording session, and spent 16 hours in Zen meditation")
Monday - Rehearsal with dBass ( to prepare for Thursday's gig. I was the first one there by a good 45 minutes, despite being late myself, and despite the fact that I don't actually "rehearse". [asleep ~1 a.m.]
Tuesday - Last-minute gig with Spanky and Bones from dBass covered in the last post (whoah, I posted in the last 7 days? I don't even remember doing that) [asleep ~2 a.m.]
Wednesday - Day of Rest (don't believe them books, the big G was chillin' on Hump Day) [don't even remember when I got to sleep]
Thursday - Running sound for dBass at the Nokia Raw Urban Music Festival Competition where they was ROBBED! [asleep ~4 a.m.]
Friday - Last-minute gig of the week No. 2, dBass at the Mixed Bizness 1st Birthday Party (was supposed to be Ninja Tune's Skalpel, but they cancelled due to illness "Shit foos, we know you ill, that's why we booked you. Oh, you mean f'reals"). Included in tonight's activities was recording dBass's set, as well as that of Bigg Taj, the baddest beatboxer on earth (last I saw him he did Timberlake's "Rock Your Body", beat, bass, and vocals all at once. This time he did his Portishead impression). [asleep ~3:30 a.m.]
Saturday - Peeps came over for some impromptu groove-dub jamming (dub courtesy of some phatty bo-batty) [asleep ~1 a.m.]
Sunday - First jam with Improv, a bass player I met at work (sold him an upright) who wants to do groovy improv based "jazz" (omigod that's JUST what I want to do! *squeeeeeeeeeal*) [asleep ~12 a.m.]
Oh yeah, and I was working 9-5:30 everyday but Wed. and Sun.
Needless to say, I'm still trying to wake up.
On a finishing tip, I've done two nights of running sound at a pretty serious venue in town, and especially on the second night, I did more work than the people getting paid for it. WTF?!
One last thing, check the rhyme at
[Edited March 24th, 6:41 pm]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a shame that when something like this happens, it's the act that wins that receives the hate when ultimately, it was the judges decision. On the night dBass were amazing, even at that, there is no need to appear bitter about the result, there is so much negativity in the music industry in Scotland, we should be sticking together instead of cutting each other down. haters everywhere..such a shame.

12:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way I look at it is simple, Craig David has been sitting pretty on a yacht in Brazil with some fine ass girl because of such things like the UMF - so carry on with the hate my dear child, it's not hurting anyone but your ego.

12:57 pm  
Blogger YN said...

Um, shit, where did readers that I don't personally know come from? And Scottish no less. I'm honored, and apologize if my hating has offended you. I thought only people in New York, DC, and Minnesota might see this.
That said, regarding UMF, I really don't think it would have been the right gig for dBass, so I'm not that bothered that they lost. I just have no qualms with calling a turd a turd, and, well, shit happens.
Plus it's not even my band. My shit's all jazz, etc., so it's not my ego being bothered (trust me, I've got plenty to spare, ask any regular reader). It's more taht I know way too many people personally that have been shat upon by the current state of the music industry, and when I see it rear it's ugly head nearby me, I'll bite back. Plus, I'm still not convinced that it wasn't fixed (popular rumor regarding the event).
And as far as Craig David goes, I'd always rather be the musician that other musicians speak well of than the guy on a yacht in Brazil with no respect from his peers. People who are after/doing that are amongst the many things wrong with the music industry. Give me a band that does 2 sets a night, 250 nights a year, over commercialized fromage any day.
And I realize that my tired stupor may have led to a bit too much hate directed at L-Marie, for which I apologize. She/They aren't all that bad, I was just least impressed by them, but I'm a picky bastard.

5:13 pm  

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