Saturday, February 26, 2005

Oh yeah, I have a blog!

It's been a while since I've posted, and this will be a pathetically short one. Suffice to say much has been churning in the world of YN since xmas and the butter is just about done (I hope). Basic details: I run sound for large band, may start managing them; I play drums in small, burgeoning band that needs a horn player who can write some melodies (know anyone?); I still sell instruments but may be making a slight change in employment and teach guitar instead; I've joined the friendster (damn you Boofus for breaking my spirit of rebellion on that).
Further details to come, likely very soon, as the employment adjustment is providing much material about which to gripe.
And before I forget, positive reinforcement. Negative reinforcement in Iraq where there was a weak power structure was bad enough, now you want to get all uppity with the Ayatollahs? Seriously, I'd make a better president. 10 years, it'll happen.