Thursday, April 07, 2005

Blaze the Blazer

Time went and got away from me again for a bit. I went on holiday (vacation for you readers at home, although I only traveled as far as the West End. It's like spending your vacation travelling from the Village to Williamsburg, only without the L) last week, and kicked it off with a massive party for Dextress' birthday. Many local hip-hop illuminati were kickin' it in the flat, and we instituted a one-night-only Left-Hand Smoke Indoors rule, which led the last half of the arriving partygoers to remark "Smells good in here". The kitties were in full effect for the party too, making them now, officially, Rock N Roll Kitties (they are Louis Garcon and Amorino if I have yet to mention them here yet, and they are cuter than your favorite pet). The rest of the week was spent recovering and saying "Damn, we had a great party" and visiting people who did and did not make it to the party in an attempt to be more social people (not that we're anti-social, but we usually make people come to us since we live on the other end of Glasgow from all our friends). Now I'm back at work, and have since joined(?) another band. This one is called HQAI I believe, although it may be billed as HQAI featuring YN12000. 2 beatboxers (one who also raps, the other who also plays guitar, the H and Q), a singer (A), a champion (DMC Finals) DJ (I) and myself on mixer and Kaoss Pad (and maybe at some point computer, but our first rehearsal found that I was getting more done with just the Kaoss). It's like nothing I've ever done before. Absolutely fascinating. Everyone involved is supremely talented as well. It's great fun. Still searching for more musicians for the (not-)jamband. And a top-shelf DJ who wants to do a gig in Glasgow May 13, paid (~$1000, plus plane ticket). Know anyone?


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