Sunday, March 27, 2005

Ride On The Peace Train

Okay, so some of you may have noticed that I've edited a recent post. Some of you may have similarly noticed that I'd gotten a fair amount of feedback regarding said-now-edited post. Truth be told, I never expected to have Glaswegian readers. But since I do, I'd rather not be the source of any ill will towards any local artists (unless someone should personally offend me, in which case, fair game). With that in mind, I'll no longer use the actual names of any artist(s) other than those I'm personally connected with, and I'll try to rein in any bile which may be spewed in the direction of anyone else. To any I may have offended, sorry. I maintain my right to an opinion, but I will not use it to slander anyone. [This post subject to edit at any time ;-)]

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate

Hey everybody, looks like I've been nominated for this year's Hater's Ball. Check the comments on the post below (and Greetings and Salutations to my new readers).

Monday, March 21, 2005

What A Week

Here I am breaking my own tradition. See, usually I follow up being moderately busy with ignoring this window in to my world. Now, however, I am coming off of the busiest week I can remember and posting to the blog taboot (leave it on press, depress, depress). Let's recap my week (so that inevitably Boofus may think to himself "pssh, Wiggy thinks he's had a busy week, well I've had 4 gigs, a recording session, and spent 16 hours in Zen meditation")
Monday - Rehearsal with dBass ( to prepare for Thursday's gig. I was the first one there by a good 45 minutes, despite being late myself, and despite the fact that I don't actually "rehearse". [asleep ~1 a.m.]
Tuesday - Last-minute gig with Spanky and Bones from dBass covered in the last post (whoah, I posted in the last 7 days? I don't even remember doing that) [asleep ~2 a.m.]
Wednesday - Day of Rest (don't believe them books, the big G was chillin' on Hump Day) [don't even remember when I got to sleep]
Thursday - Running sound for dBass at the Nokia Raw Urban Music Festival Competition where they was ROBBED! [asleep ~4 a.m.]
Friday - Last-minute gig of the week No. 2, dBass at the Mixed Bizness 1st Birthday Party (was supposed to be Ninja Tune's Skalpel, but they cancelled due to illness "Shit foos, we know you ill, that's why we booked you. Oh, you mean f'reals"). Included in tonight's activities was recording dBass's set, as well as that of Bigg Taj, the baddest beatboxer on earth (last I saw him he did Timberlake's "Rock Your Body", beat, bass, and vocals all at once. This time he did his Portishead impression). [asleep ~3:30 a.m.]
Saturday - Peeps came over for some impromptu groove-dub jamming (dub courtesy of some phatty bo-batty) [asleep ~1 a.m.]
Sunday - First jam with Improv, a bass player I met at work (sold him an upright) who wants to do groovy improv based "jazz" (omigod that's JUST what I want to do! *squeeeeeeeeeal*) [asleep ~12 a.m.]
Oh yeah, and I was working 9-5:30 everyday but Wed. and Sun.
Needless to say, I'm still trying to wake up.
On a finishing tip, I've done two nights of running sound at a pretty serious venue in town, and especially on the second night, I did more work than the people getting paid for it. WTF?!
One last thing, check the rhyme at
[Edited March 24th, 6:41 pm]

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Straight But Not Narrow

Boofus has always impressed upon me the beauty and grandeur inherent in Herbie's "Maiden Voyage". After playing it last night, I think I might finally get it. That was one of last night's highlights, as well as a tight "Well You Needn't", surprising myself with my use of brushes, and a supafunky "Freedom Jazz Dance" with my best impression of Clyde Stubblefield (before starting, Spanky, the alto-blowing band leader said "Well, just play the funkiest beat you know" so hence my slowed-down take on "Mother Popcorn"). It was great getting out and playing (first "real" gig in like 2, maybe 3 years, not to knock that gig Rowlf hooked me up with last spring), particularly in an environment where no one was expecting me to play the guitar (although Spanky didn't know I played drums until he came in to the shop looking for reeds and the subject came up "Wait, according to your CV, you're a guitarist. you want a gig on Tuesday?" [note: Spanky plays in the 11-pc for which I run sound, a job obtained through presentation of a CV]). The gig went great (even with an older Hungarian man who spoke very little english schooling my ass on swing beats), and good times were had by all. I even got paid (a very measly sum, but paid nonetheless, and I was happy and surprised to get anything at all. A good start on the Glaswegian gigging scene from what I hear). Hopefully more will come of this. I'm going to speak to the guitarist from the 11-pc tomorrow about keyboardists, so hopefully my own band will start cooking soon.
Maiden Voyage. It's on Maiden Voyage, available in a Rudy Van Gelder remaster series. Herbie Hancock. Check that jawn.
It all almost makes me miss all the jazz I've had and lost. Almost.
On the subject, check out in the music section for some dead brilliant jazz piano.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


One of my two favorite blogs is back (the other one,, never left).
Go see what's up with E at
I have a gig tonight. My first in Glasgow. I'm going to be playing a lot of straightahead jazz. Um.....